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Directions to Lackman Playground

All Fox-Rox football home games are played at Lackman Playground.

Lackman Playground
1101 Barlett Street
Philadelphia, PA  19115
Bob Hosephros, Facility Supervisor
Tel:  215.685.0370

Directions from the Fox Chase Recreation Center:
Take Verree Road north to Morefield Road,
Make a right on Morefield Road,
Make a left on Glenn St.,
Make a right on Chesworth,
Make a right on Bartlett and follow around to Lackman (left-hand side)

A Word of Caution When Parking at Lackman Playground!

Please park your automobile legally when visiting Lackman Playground. There are "No Parking" signs posted on the grass areas. The police are enforcing this by issuing $100.00 fines! 


Handicap Parking!

It is against the law for individuals without a handicap license plate or placard to park in the designated spaces. Please be mindful as those violators will be fined and towed!

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