For Girls and Boys, Ages 5 through 12
The Sideline Cheerleading season runs from July through November. The Competition Cheerleading season runs from September through February.
Next registration: June 2025, which is now open!
Photograph Day!
Monday, December 2, 2024
On Monday, December 2nd, Picture Day will be held inside the Fox Chase Recreation Center! Photographs are scheduled to start at 6:00 PM. Please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled time. Youngest team goes first. The schedule will be posted here shortly.
Our photographer, AG Photography, only accepts pre-orders through their website. Those who wish to place an order for photographs can do so by visiting and completing the details at Sports Package (PHL) with shipping | AG Photography Inc. Once completed, just print out the receipt and take it with you on Picture Day.
2024/2025 Cheerleading Registration is Still Open Until July 29, 2024!
Posted June 1, 2024This upcoming season we are only offering competition cheerleading for boys and girls ages 5 to 12. Practices will start in August 2024 and will be held at the Rockledge Community Center. We generally practice two (2) times per week. At this time practice nights could be on Wednesday nights (12u), Thursday nights (8u), and both teams practice on Sundays in the morning or afternoon. Practice days may change due to gymnasium availability. Most competitions will be local (within 30 min of NE Philly). We may do our last competition in Wildwood, NJ. In addition, we plan to participate in a UCA stunt camp which would be paid for by each individual cheerleader. Registration cost is $50.00 and you will need to purchase a cheerleading uniform (approximately $150.00) and cheer sneakers. We will offer fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost or obtain the uniforms for free!
Cheerleading registration is now open for those with birthdate range from 8/31/2011 through 9/1/2019. The costs is only $150.00. Registration will close on Sunday, June 30 at 11:45 PM! The first practice will be held on the week of July 31
Please direct all questions concerning cheerleading to
Carrie Keeley, our Director of Cheerleading, at
[email protected] or via telephone at 856.278.5802.
How to Register!
To register for any sport with the Fox-Rok Athletic Association go to and click on “Register” that is located in the upper right hand corner of our home page. You will then need to click on “Create New Account or “Login” if you have already created an account. As a reminder, you must first have an account before you can register your child/children. The process is easy.
Once you have created an account, you then need to list your child/children before you can choose a program to play in. Select “Add Participant.” Enter the child’s name and complete all of the required fields. If you have more children to register, don’t select “Next.” Select “Add Another Participate.” Once you have added all of your children you should select “Next.”
After you have entered all of your children only then will the system allow you to select the available program for that child or children. Make your selection. Continue to complete the necessary fields until you have completed your order. You will receive an email confirmation after you have successfully completed the process.
After the first time you register your child/children the system will remember your information! You will only need to update a few lines as opposed to starting from scratch when registering for all other Fox-Rok sports.
Please note, if you want to coach or volunteer in any way you must create an account online and state your interest. The program is set up to ask if you have a desire to volunteer and in what role.
To get on the mailing list you must create an account online.
Concerning Registrations!
Registration cutoff dates are established mainly to ensure that uniforms and the necessary equipment needs can be identified and ordered in time to be received before the start of the playing season. This is the case for each sport offering at Fox-Rok A.A. Occasionally we have situations where we may require additional players to prevent a team or teams from folding and will solicit players by posting these openings on our website. That is the only time we will accept registrations after the established cutoff date. This website provides ample notice time for registration of all sports. On our website, at the top of each sport page, it states the month of when registrations are held and the duration of the season. It is provided for your planning purposes. Next registration for football will be held online in the month of June.
Meet the Cheerleading Coaches on Wednesday, June 22 at 7:00PM!
Posted June 13, 2022
Parents and players can meet the coaches on Wednesday, June 22 at 7:00PM at the snack stand that is near the hockey rinks at the Fox Chase Fields. Please reach out to Carrie Keeley, our Director of Cheerleading, at [email protected] or via telephone at 856.278.5802 for more information.
Spring Clothing Drive – Raising funds for Fox-Rok A.A.
Posted May 19, 2022
We are raising funds for cheerleading, baseball and softball by holding a clothing drive. Please help our organization raise funds by cleaning out your closets, attics, garages, and basements. Please place your gently used/unwanted items in tightly tied bags. Every bag counts. Give your items a second chance to be worn/used again. The more our collection weighs the more we raise. We will accept the following items: Clothing and shoes including pocketbooks, purses, totes, school bags, backpacks, wallets, belts ties, scarves, hat and gloves. We are also accepting household lines such as blankets, bedspreads, comforters, quilts, bed sheets, towels, shower curtains, window curtains, draperies, tablecloths and pillows. Soft toys, such as stuffed animals and dolls. Hard toys that are smaller than 24” x 24” x 24” and games. We are UNABLE to accept furniture, mattresses, electronics or appliances. Wet, smoke damaged or mildewed items, books or records.
Please place your items in a tied plastic bag or sealed cardboard boxes and bring your items to our snack stand located on the Fox Chase Recreation Center that is located near the hockey rinks.
These items can be dropped off on Sunday’s from 9:00AM until 1:00PM and Thursdays 6:00PM until 7:00PM. The final collection is set for Wednesday, June 15 before 3:30PM. For special drop off arrangements, please contact Carrie at 856-278-5802.
2023 Cheerleading Photographs Information!
Cheerleading photographs that were recently taken will be shipped directly to parents/account holder by the end of the first week in January 2024.
Seeking Cheerleading Sponsors!The lifeblood of the Fox-Rok Athletic Association is through the generosity of our sponsors. Their commitment to youth sports helps make these programs available to all children in our neighborhood. To help out please download the 2023 Cheerleading/Football sponsorship application that is posted here: footballcheersponsorletterlh08042023.pdf2020 Cheerleading News!Posted May 14, 2020
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, the City of Philadelphia has temporarily suspended any permitted use of their facilities for recreational purposes. We will start when it is permitted by the State and Local COVID-19 regulations. We will continue to monitor the situation and will follow the directions of local, State and Federal officials. We will keep you informed as more information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding.
A Letter From Our Director of Cheerleading!
Posted June 19, 2020
Dear Fox-Rok A.A. Members,
We are gearing up for Fox Rok Raven's 2020-21 cheerleading season. Although because of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, we are unable to officially open registration until we have a definite start date for practice, but to help us plan, we are asking you to complete the Goggle questionnaire document if you are interested in cheerleading for your sons or daughters. You may send the completed form to [email protected]. This will help us to plan and form our teams as well as provide us a way to contact everyone when registration opens. This questionnaire can be found here:
Cheerleading is available to boys and girls ages 5 through 12. Our season typically starts in July and ends in February, but due to the virus this year, we will have a delayed start. We will start when it is permitted by the State and Local COVID-19 regulations. We offer optional private tumbling classes in addition to cheer. If we are able to have a sideline season, cheering for football, we will offer a sideline only option again. Our sideline season consists of cheering at home Fox Rok football games (about 3 or 4 games) and includes our Homecoming game. Sideline season typically ends in October/November.
If you are interested in competition cheer we compete in about five (5) competitions from December through to February. Most are local, last year we have the opportunity to compete in a weekend long competition in Wildwood, NJ.
Our fees are generally around $100. The sideline only fee will be less, but the price could vary depending on our season. Last year the sideline fee was only $75 and you receive a bow and a tee shirt. Uniforms cost around $75 and we try to fundraise for those who are interested to offset the cost of uniforms.
carrie rysak
[email protected]
Director of Cheerleading
Information below is old news and will be updated as details are known.
Cheerleading Registration Now Closed!
Posted 7/27/2019
Cheerleading registration closed on Friday 7/27/2019
Cheerleading Registration!
Online registration for the 2019 cheerleading season is now open! Registration will close on Thursday, June 20 at 11:45 PM! The cost is varies depending if your child’s desire is to participate only in sideline cheering or also in competition cheering. See costs below, payable with Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express. This registration fee does not include the cost for the uniform including footwear that is required. Registration is open to girls and boys ages 5 through 12, born between the dates of 8/31/2006 and 9/1/2014. For those who are older and have an interest, please contact our Director of Cheerleading, Carrie Keeley at 856.278.5802 or via email at [email protected]. Sideline cheerleaders will cheer weekend home games, which occur in September through November,
Below are what's new for 2019!
The 2019-2020 Season will start the week of June 24, 2019. During this week there will be an orientation meeting/mini practice to go over general information.
Registration fees are as follow:
| By June 21, 2019 | August 2019 | August/September 2019 |
Sideline Cheer Team Only | $75.00 ($90 After June 22) | | |
Sideline Cheer and Competition Team | $75.00 | $80.00 | |
Uniforms (must buy Sneakers in addition) | | | $90.00 |
The initial registration fee of $75.00 is due no later than Thursday, June 20, 2019. At this time registration will be closed. If we can allow for more girls to sign up, registration will reopen, but the cost will increase to $90.00. For those girls who wish to continue with competition season, an additional $80.00 will be due in August. There will also be a uniform/sneaker fee (competition only) and the cost will be $90.00. Please note that all cheerleaders wishing to participate on the competition team must be register for sideline team.
Sideline Cheer Team
The sideline season includes cheer practice two nights a week, cheering at all home football games (Lackman Field), participation in the Rockledge Fourth of July Parade, and a performance at the Trenton Thunder Baseball game on Tuesday, August 6, 2019. Starting in mid-September, sideline team practice will be one night a week. Sideline team practices are not mandatory, but it is highly recommended that you attend all practices. The sideline cheer season starts in July and ends in November when football season is over.
Competition Cheer Team
In mid-September we will continue with two practices per week. One practice will be held on a weeknight (with sideline team) and the other will be held on Sundays (competition team only). Once the sideline season has ended, both nights will be dedicated to competition team only. Once we move inside for practice, the days and times may change due to space and staff availability. All practices for competition team are mandatory. The competition season starts in September and ends mid-February. You can expect to compete in a minimum of three (3) local and one (1) regional competitions.
Practices will begin the week of July 8, 2019 and be held two nights a week at 6:15pm, depending on weather. Summer practices will be held at Lackman Playground/Field located at 1101 Bartlett St, Philadelphia, PA, 19115. Cheerleaders are to wear comfortable sneakers and have their hair pulled back. Cheerleaders may not participate in shoes other than sneakers. Please make sure your cheerleader has water to stay hydrated during practice. Also, you may want to bring bug spray. More information will be provided when the coaches determine which night practice will be held for each team.
Rockledge Fourth of July Parade
Our team has been invited to participate in the annual Fourth of July Parade in Rockledge. Cheerleaders will walk in the parade and have two opportunities to stop and perform. We will teach two basic sideline cheers the week of June 24th at our initial orientation/mini-practice meeting.
Trenton Thunder Game
Our Trenton Thunder Performance will be on Tuesday, August 6, 2019. All cheerleaders who are participating will need to purchase a ticket and be accompanied by an adult. Tickets are $12. This is a fundraiser for the team, so every cheerleader is encouraged to sell as many tickets as possible.
We plan to have clothing drive in late July. Please save your gently used clothing to help our team!!
Important Dates:
June 21, 2019: Registration closes
June TBD, 2019: Orientation meeting and mini practice this week
July 4, 2019: Rockledge Fourth of July Parade
July 8, 2019: Practice starts this week
August 6, 2019: Trenton Thunder Game
August 2019: Competition registration fee due
August/Spetember: Competition uniform Money due
September/October: Practice moves inside
**We will continue to share information regarding practices and locations as needed**
Information posted below to be updated for 2019/2020 season shorty.
2018 Fox-Rok A.A Cheerleading Practice Begins on Monday, August 13 at 6:30 PM!
Cheerleading practice will begin on Monday, August 13. Practices are held Monday's and Wednesday's from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM on the fields at Lackman Playground, located at 1101 Barlett Street, Philadelphia, PA 19114, weather permitting. Practices move indoors by fall. Coaches may opt to change or add a practice day due to gym availability.
For practices in August, cheerleaders should wear comfortable, weather appropriate clothing and sneakers. Cheerleaders will not be able to participate in sandals/flip flops or opened toed shoes. The use of bug spray and sun block is strongly encouraged. The snack stand will be open to purchase refreshments on most nights, however, please bring plenty of water or Gatorade in the event it is closed.
For the safety of the cheerleaders, only coaches will be permitted on the field with the girls. Please feel free to bring a chair and sit along the side to watch.
All cheering for home games are held at Lackman Playground.
Note; Cheerleaders will cheer at the Fox-Rok Ravens football games from September through Novmember.
Competitions for 2018
We may compete in three (3) local competitions from November through February 2019.
NECA (hosted as Abraham Lincoln High Scholl) Date and time: TBD
St. Hubert Catholic High School: Date and time TBD
Archbishop Ryan High School: Date and time TBD
Our photographer, AG Photography, now accepts pre-orders through their website. Those who wish to place their order prior to photograph day can do so by visiting and completing the details at Once completed, just print out the receipt and take it with you on Picture Day/Night.
Cheering and Participation!
Each team will cheer on weekends at the Fox-Rok Ravens football games as well as participate in at least two competitions and fundraisers. Home games are played at Lackman Playground, 1101 Bartlett Street, Philadelphia, PA 19115. See below for directions.
Registration cutoff dates are established mainly to ensure that uniforms and the necessary equipment needs can be identified and ordered in time to be received before the start of the playing season. This is the case for each sport offering at Fox-Rok A.A. Occasionally we have situations where we may require additional players to prevent a team or teams from folding and will solicit players by posting these openings on our website. That is the only time will accept registrations after the established cutoff date. This website provides ample notice time for registration of all sports. On our website, at the top of each sport page, it states the month of when registrations are held and the duration of the season. It is provided for your planning purposes.
Our league affiliation:
NESAC (Northeast Suburban Athletic Association Conference)