The Fox Chase-Rockledge Athletic Association (aka Fox-Rok Athletic Association) has been in
existence for more than seventy three (73) years! We are a non-profit, community
based, volunteer organization. The purpose of our organization is to offer a
fun experience in athletic activities to boys and girls of our community. We
offer programs in baseball, softball, basketball, flag and tackle football and cheerleading for
ages four (4) through eighteen (18). Our programs are designed to promote
athletic achievement and instill good sportsmanship along with adult supervision
with the goal of better preparing the children for adulthood.
Our Mission Statement reads as follows: "The Fox-Rok Athletic Association is committed to providing organized athletic
programs for the benefit of the children of our community. The goal of the
association is to promote children's involvement, social skill development and
athletic achievement in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship as we help to
prepare the children for adulthood. The decisions of the association shall
focus on providing what is in the best interests of the children of our
community. The principles and philosophies shall be guided by the association's
motto: "Where Kids Come First."
Our general monthly meetings are held on the
third Tuesday of every month in the basement meeting room at Curley's Pub, located at 8929 Krewstown Road at 8:30 PM. All coaches are
expected to attend. Meetings are open to all parents as well.
You can contact us via mail, through this
website, or better yet, come to one of our monthly meetings.